Thursday, December 9, 2010

You called me a what?

You called me a what????

It took me a while. I mean, it seriously took me a while for the whole concept to sink in! I am not what people call me! Seems simple, right? Most concepts seem that way. Hence the quote, "Easier said than done". This quote epitomized the main reason that it took so long for it to sink in for me.

I had a situation that confused me. It confused and concerned me so greatly that in order to rectify the issue, I needed to do some research into myself. I went to a doctor who confirmed what I'd been feeling and put a label to the condition. Fortunately for me, I also have friends that helped me pin down what it was that confused me.

I went to an amazing and trusted friend that I love dearly. He listened intently and said that he knew exactly what was wrong with me and that it was normal for me. My jaw hit the floor! Normal for me? How was it normal for me and I had no clue about it? Apparently, he'd noticed it long ago and thought I was aware and understood, though I’d never mentioned it to him. He further explained to me, with no indication of what my doctor had told me, what my symptoms were, how I felt, and what to do to counteract them. From that well-intended conversation, I was ready to adopt my friend's assessment of what I was and what I do, wholeheartedly. The explanation made sense to me. It fit what I was going through and what I believed to be true about myself. What hit me hardest was the fact that his assessment made so much sense!! I believed I finally had an understanding of what was making me so miserable. He explained to me that this issue I was having was one that was just a part of who I was and, now that I knew, I could live with it and be happy. At first, I was happy.

For days, I was relieved that I knew my problem. However, the rectification of my issue was one that completely went against what I believe in. It drew a bright red line through all the things I'd decided to be and hold dear. It went against all the promises I'd made to God and the responsibilities I held myself accountable for on my walk with Christ. I lived with the assessment for days but started to feel that I didn’t enjoy the title it put on me or the way I may be viewed and would view myself if I accepted this as a reason for my behavior.

I started to pray about it. I pray about everything that bothers me but this bothered me more deeply because it was in such a violation of what God called me to be. I prayed and asked God for some kind of clarity. The assessment my friend had given me made so much sense! It explained everything for me. I had confirmation from all sorts of sources. I talked to my doctor, did some internet research, joined a group related to the issue, and, ultimately found comfort in the assessment and the solutions I was given. However, that comfort was short lived. Why couldn't I live with what I knew? Why couldn’t I agree and just be happy?

How many of you know that when God loves you, He will change everything about you that you think makes sense? God revealed to me that I didn’t have to be anything I didn’t want to be. While the evidence in front of me made sense and felt like truth, I didn’t have to accept that truth. God doesn’t deal with fact, he deals with the truth. I could take this assessment and have it become my truth. I could also decide to be what I want to be because God has empowered me to change what I am into what He is. I made the decision to hold my ground and not accept what facts were in front of me. There's a saying, "You have to face the facts". You DO have to face the facts that make you unhappy but you have to face them to tell them that, "I believe in God's truth, not your facts."

What was revealed to me later was that some things are holy. Holy by definition is something that is consecrated, dedicated or set apart for religious purposes. The Bible says in Romans 12:1-2, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

When I made the decision to follow Christ and start my walk with God, I was transformed into a new creature with a renewed mind. I wasn’t the same anymore and therefore my soul was no longer governed by things in the natural. I became holy. Holy by choice and holy by design. I was consecrated, dedicated and set apart from all things that could not be considered holy. For this reason, I did not have to accept what was given to me as an explanation for who I was by something other than what the Holy Spirit placed upon me. God has already told me who I was and my wonderful friend’s assessment was not it. I say it all the time but it bears repeating here: No matter what anyone thinks of you, even what God thinks of you, all of it means nothing if you don’t believe it yourself. You have to believe that you ARE what God called you to be.

Upon this realization, and with the gift of deliverance, all the physical symptoms that plagued me disappeared. All the thoughts that made me feel like a violator of God's law took a backseat to a longing to understand the things of God until those thoughts disappeared, too. That renewing helped me to fulfill that Word of God, "that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Through my deliverance, I was proven good, acceptable, and within the perfect will of God.

Don’t just accept what's given to you. Even if it makes sense to everyone else, if it doesn’t fit with what God has given you to be, you do not have to accept it. God is concerned with Truth, not facts. The truth is that you are above the facts. God didn’t design you with hindrances in mind. Anything you need to overcome, He'll move for you. His word says, "All things are possible for them that love Him." For those who strive after His heart, all things are haveable, attainable, tangible, and blessed. You only need believe in yourself.

Yay me for being hardheaded! It feels good...

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