Im such a science fiction geek. From before a time I could remember, I had the deepest love of what the future would be. With its flying cars, thousands living on spaceships that travel the universe and the amazing discoveries that could repair human beings when they were sick and they’d live longer than ever. I was intrigued by Star Wars, Star Trek (I am still a HUGE Star Trek fan.), Dune, Krull, Tron, and anything else in the science fiction realm. The older I got the more I realized that science fiction was based on more fact than fiction. Products that are now emerging are amazingly like the concepts presented on the original Star Trek and all the Star Trek incarnations. (It’s no accident that the Nextel chirp sounds suspiciously like Captain Kirk’s “communicator”.) I thought I’d found heaven when I realized that the floating candle holders I bought at Pier One were the exact ones used on Star Trek: TNG as Synthohol glasses. (Synthohol: a beverage that tastes like alcohol but with no after effects, which has actually been invented, too.) iPads are Captain Picard’s way of reading reports, though he prefers leather bound volumes of books. Ocular implants are allowing people to see who were never able to see before. I’m sure Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge had a hand in that.
The thing that I adore the most about this genre is that someone had to think of these amazing creations to even propose them for television. The idea itself was the inspiration to make what someone had only dreamed of. And, dreams… ah, they are the reality of the future. Dr. Mae Jemison, astronaut and the first African-American woman in space, was inspired by Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, played by the ground breaking Nichelle Nichols, the first African-American woman to have an interracial kiss on television. The imaginings of what the future may be today are the realities of tomorrow.
I say all this to say that no matter what people can think of, they can make it happen. How powerful can our thoughts be that once we think of something, we have the means to create a means to create it? It only takes the initial light of imagination to manifest itself to become actuality. If not in our own lifetime, we set the groundwork for the next. Humans have the amazing and uncanny knack to have an unlimited capacity to think themselves into realities that may help or even hinder them. Their thoughts can bring them to physical pain or, if focused, physical healing. This means to me that we exact an amazing amount of control over what becomes reality for ourselves. We can blueprint our own reality instead of believing that things just happen by accident.
My pastor always says, “You’re not here by accident. You were divinely led to where you are.” If you follow the voice of God to where you need to be, you’ll find the plan intended for you. I believe that through faith we find the blueprint intended for our lives. You can’t build a mansion without a blueprint. You can’t build a tree house without a blueprint! A plan of action is needed, a guide to what you are building. Building your thoughts into realities requires a plan. God has already given you the tools to build with; all you need to gain is the building instructions. Genesis 1:26 says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” In the struggle to simplify God and make Him more palatable to the human condition, this passage has been interpreted as meaning our physical form. As the human form was divinely created by God, this is an understandable misconception. The passage does not speak of us being made in God’s image physically but by our minds and spirits. Your mind was given to you by God. This is the tool provided to you by God to carry out His plans and this mind that is in us which is also in Christ Jesus is worthy to be consulted. It sounds simple but what you think you are, whether it be good or bad, it’s what you are. As the quote says, “If you believe you can do something or you can’t, it’s true.”
As my studies progress, I find that God has not given you the spirit of fear and has given you an instrument that when focused can change what your reality is. What could you think to do if you discard the fear of failing at doing it? You’d end up with Star Trek sized dreams and iPad, iPod, Pandora Radio, touch screen, voice activated satellite radio, GPS, holographic computer realities. I’m still waiting to see who invents Data!!! That dude was so cool!
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