The most difficult part of having friends is that sometimes you outgrow them. Im at a point in this life that God is moving me to be in a position of receiving my destiny. However, Im having issues with being able to make decisions because of how my friends will feel about them. Dont misunderstand, Im not one to lean to anyone else's understanding but its not my goal to hurt or cause misunderstanding. In every life there are times that you have to redefine your paradigm of living. When things get too uncomfortable for you in the way you lead your life, you have to move. Im going through this now.
Pain doesnt cover what I feel. I love them, trusted them, and would have gladly done my best to move heaven and earth for them until I realized that I was doing it for them and not for God.I had to regroup, repriortize and redo and what came out in the wash shocked me.
For years, my trust for advice and guidance came from my friends. Leaning on God was never in the forefront because I leaned entirely on my friends. Trusting the judgment of someone who isnt under the influence of God can land you in the worst of hot water.
I spent a whole day alone with God and finally understand what He needed from me in the first place. Trust... reckless abandon kind of trust. I needed to change my own mind about who had my best interest at heart. God knows everything about me, how could I not believe Him over man?
The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you: I ordained you a prophet to the nations"
He knows me better than any friend ever could. He put me here for a purpose and there are times when purpose can overwhelm friendships.
Im at a point of transition. Its so painful! But, all growth is... I have to trust God. Its not hard to trust God, its hard for me to get my life in the order he's ordained...
This is the hardest thing Ive ever done...
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