As a performer, I'm used to hearing people tell me how wonderful I sound. While I'm not arrogant, I've grown used to peoples reactions when I open my mouth to give back what God gave me. As a fashionista, I'm also used to people loving my outfits, hair, shoes, whatever. If I love it, I'm going to do it but I'm doubly excited when others love it as much as me.
As a performer and a performers' ex-girlfriend, I understand putting your heart in what you love, what God has gifted you and not having others appreciate or understand all the time. I understand the triumphs and the crashes. I'm safeguarded in Christ because with Him, if you're moving in your purpose, there's no crash. Ain't nobody or nothing to crash into. But, I digress...
What hurts the most as a performer, no matter what you do, is when the people you love don't "see" you. I think its true for anyone. When your efforts aren't recognized, you can start to doubt yourself. You struggle to find the balance between the nameless droves that love the "you" on the stage and the person you love that doesn't see you. Its heartbreaking. Its like drowning. You struggle with all your might to keep your head above water and the person you love is sitting on the shore stoicly staring but not helping. (That's the dream I had last night.)
Here's why I don't care about people or my special him "seeing" me anymore: God sees me. God always sees me. He never looks away, never has plans that are more important than watching over me. Instead of applause, He blesses me. Nothing else to me matters. When I sing, I sing for great masses of audiences but, in my heart, I'm singing to an audience of One. The One...