It's not easy to focus when youre distracted by things out of your control. My daydreams get in my way quite a bit… LOL. I have lots of dreams and daydreaming, while distracting, keeps me in touch with them.
I think too much. I have the kind of brain that moves exceptionally quick. Im at the end when everyone else is still getting the jist of what to do. I can rarely keep up with my thoughts which is why I love my laptop and new phone so much. Im never without the time to jot down my thoughts, ideas, dreams, stories, and what God tells me in whispers. In most instances, Im at the deep end of the thinking pool whereas most people try to keep it simple in the shallow end of things. Sometimes its good to know how to swim there but in the deep end, it’s a lot easier to drown.
The difficulty lies in trying to discern it all; what means what and what means not a whole lot. I can rarely do it alone and I need serious and steadfast divine intervention. I try not to put myself on those "thinking" roads that will lead me to negative thinking or negative actions but my brain travels faster than the speed of light. Its rare that I can stop myself unless I call on God before Im too far down that proverbial road of destruction.
All this is said to say that while people may seem to have it all together on the outside, a more likely case is that theyre just a junky mess of tangles and stuff-to-do's just like I am.
For some twisted reason, that makes me feel better… :)